HSCA Regulation |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Central alerting system |
12 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
DH health building notes (Department of Health) |
12,15,17 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Electrical safety and you (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,17 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Electrical safety at work (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,17 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Gas safety toolbox (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,17 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Health Building Note 00-10 Part D: Windows and associated hardware (Department of Health) |
12 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Lighting at work (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,17 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Medical devices regulation and safety |
12,15 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
PAT - Portable appliance testing FAQs (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,17 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Pressure systems (Health and Safety Executive) |
15 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Provision and use of work equipment regulations (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Safe premises (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,17 |
Caldicott |
Caldicott principles |
10,12 |
Caldicott |
Caldicott principles - revised principles 2013 |
10,12 |
Caldicott |
Caldicott review: information governance in the health and care system |
10,12 |
Care Act and Care Certificate |
Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence) |
all |
Care Act and Care Certificate |
Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets (Department of Health, June 2014) |
all |
Care Act and Care Certificate |
Care and support statutory guidance, issued under the Care Act 2014 (Department of Health, October 2014) |
all |
Care Act and Care Certificate |
Care certificate (Health Education England) |
18,19 |
Care, treatment and support |
Common core principles for self-care (Skills for Care) |
12 |
Care, treatment and support |
Compassion in practice nursing, midwifery and care staff: Our vision and strategy |
10 |
Care, treatment and support |
NHS choice framework 2014/15 |
9 |
Challenging behaviour |
A core principles commissioning tool for the development of local specifications for services supporting children, young people, adults and older people with learning disabilities and/or autism who display or are at risk of displaying behaviour that challenges (NHS England and Local Government Association, 2014) |
13 |
Challenging behaviour |
Services for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour or mental health needs – Mansell report: revised edition (Department of Health) |
13 |
Complaints |
Complaints in the NHS (Department of Health guidance) |
16 |
Complaints |
Complaints matter (Care Quality Commission, December 2014) |
16 |
Complaints |
MIND – complaining about health and social care |
16 |
Complaints |
My expectations for raising concerns and complaints (Local Government Ombudsman, Healthwatch, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, November 2014) |
16 |
Complaints |
Principles of good complaint handling (Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman) |
16 |
Conduct, ethics and performance |
Nursing standards for competence (Nursing and Midwifery Council) |
17,18,19,20 |
Conduct, ethics and performance |
Standards of conduct, performance and ethics (Health and Care Professions Council) |
5,18 |
Conduct, ethics and performance |
The code – Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives (Nursing and Midwifery Council) |
11,17,18,19,20 |
Conduct, ethics and performance |
The prep handbook (Nursing and Midwifery Council) |
17,18,19,20 |
Conduct, ethics and performance |
The seven principals of public life (Committee on standards for public life) |
5 |
Confidentiality |
A guide to confidentiality in health and social care (Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2013) |
17 |
Consent |
Consent guidance: patients and doctors making decisions together (General Medical Council) |
11 |
Consent |
Gillick competence or Fraser guidelines |
11,20 |
Continence |
Faecal incontinence – Quality standard 54 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, February 2014) |
9,10 |
Continence |
Improving continence care for patients (Royal College of Nursing) |
9,10 |
Continuing professional development |
Professional development (Royal College of Nursing) |
18 |
Continuing professional development |
Standards for continuing professional development (Health and Care Professions Council) |
17,18,19 |
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) (Health and Safety Executive) |
15,17 |
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002: Approved code of practice and guidance (Health and Safety Executive) |
15,17 |
Data protection |
Data Protection Act 1998: guidance |
10,12,16,17 |
Data protection |
ICO guidance on data protection (Information Commissioner's Office) |
10,12,16,17 |
Data protection |
ICO In the picture: A data protection code of practice for surveillance cameras and personal information (Information Commissioner's Office) |
15,11,17 |
Data protection |
Information governance and Caldicott principles (Department of Health) |
12,17 |
Data protection |
Information sharing: Guidance for practitioners and managers – departmental advice for professionals on when and how to share information about children, young people and families (HM Government) |
10,12,13 |
Dignity and respect |
Dignity in Care – SCIE guide 15 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, June 2010 (updated May 2013)) |
9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16 |
Dignity and respect |
Eliminating Mixed sex accommodation – Declaration Exercise - Letter to Chief Executives (Department of Health, 10 February 2011) |
10,15 |
Dignity and respect |
Eliminating mixed sex accommodation - PL/CNO/2009/02 (Chief Nursing Officer’s Letter, 17 May 2009) |
10,15 |
Dignity and respect |
Eliminating mixed sex accommodation - PL/CNO/2010/3 (letter from Chief Nursing Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, November 2010) |
10,15 |
Disclosure and Barring (DBS) |
Disclosure and Barring |
5,18,19 |
Disclosure and Barring (DBS) |
Disclosure and Barring identity checking guidelines |
5,18,19 |
Disclosure and Barring (DBS) |
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks guidance (Care Quality Commission) |
5,18,19 |
End of life care |
Dying well at home: the case for integrated working – SCIE guide 48 – PDF – (Social Care Institute for Excellence, May 2013) |
9,10,11 |
End of life care |
Dying well at home: the case for integrated working – SCIE guide 48 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, May 2013) |
9,10,11 |
End of life care |
End of life care guidance (General Medical Council) |
9,10,11 |
End of life care |
Five priorities for care of the dying person (NHS England) |
9,10,11 |
End of life care |
One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life (Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People) |
End of life care |
Priorities for care of the dying person: Duties and responsibilities of health and care staff – with prompts for practice (Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People) |
End of life care |
Quality standard for end of life care for adults (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) |
9,10,11 |
Equality and human rights |
EHRC employment statutory code of practice - sections on reasonable adjustments and pre-employment health checks (Equality and Human Rights Commission) |
5,17,18,19 |
Equality and human rights |
Employment statutory code of practice (Equality and Human Rights Commission) |
5,17,18,19 |
Equality and human rights |
Equality Act 2010 guidance |
5,9,10,13,15,17,18,19 |
Equality and human rights |
Guidance about age discrimination (Equality and Human Rights Commission) |
5,17,18,19 |
Equality and human rights |
Guidance for service providers about their duties under the Equality Act 2010 (Equality and Human Rights Commission) |
5,9,10,13,15,17,18,19 |
Equality and human rights |
Services, public functions and associations: Statutory code of practice (Equality and Human Rights Commission) |
5,9,10,13,15,17,18,19 |
Fees |
Unfair contract terms |
19 |
Fire safety |
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (London Fire Brigade) |
15 |
Fire safety |
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005: a short guide to making your premises safe from fire (HM Government) |
15 |
Food safety/hygiene |
Essence of Care 2010: Benchmarks for food and drink (Department of Health) |
14 |
General resource |
Health and Care Professions Council |
5,18 |
General resource |
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) |
9,10,12,13,14,17 |
General resource |
NHS Constitution for England 2013 |
10,11,15,16,17 |
General resource |
The handbook to the NHS constitution - quality of care and environment pledge, pp 30/31 (Department of Health, 2012) |
10,11,15,16,17 |
Health and safety |
Consulting employees on health and safety: A brief guide to the law (Health and Safety Executive) |
18 |
Health and safety |
Guidance for health and social care services (Health and Safety Executive) |
12, 15, 17,18 |
Health and safety |
Health and Safety Executive guidance |
12, 15, 18 |
Health and safety |
Health and safety in care homes (Health and Safety Executive, June 2014) |
12, 15, 17,18 |
Health and safety |
Leadership (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,18 |
Health and safety |
Leading health and safety at work (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,18 |
Health and safety |
Managing for health and safety - HSG65 guidance (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,18 |
Health and safety |
Managing for health and safety (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,18 |
Health and safety |
Natural rubber latex sensitisation in health and social care (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,17,18 |
Health and safety |
NHS Employers: Workplace health and safety standards |
12,15,17,18 |
Health and safety |
Selection latex gloves (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,17,18 |
Health and safety |
Sharp Instruments in Healthcare Regulations 2013 (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,17,18 |
Health and safety |
Sharps injuries (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,17,18 |
Health and safety |
Ventilation (Health and Safety Executive) |
15 |
Health and safety |
Violence at work: guidance for employers (Health and Safety Executive) |
18 |
Infection control/cleanliness |
Decontamination guidelines (British Society of Gastroenterology) |
12,15 |
Infection control/cleanliness |
Health building note 00-09: Infection control in the built environment (Department of Health, 2013) |
12,15 |
Infection control/cleanliness |
Infection: Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in primary and community care - NICE guideline CG139 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, March 2012) |
12,15 |
Infection control/cleanliness |
NICE Quality Standard 61: Infection prevention and control (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, April 2014) |
12,15 |
Infection control/cleanliness |
The code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance (Department of Health) |
12,15 |
Infection control/cleanliness |
The Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance (Department of Health) |
12,15 |
Infection control/cleanliness |
The revised healthcare cleaning manual (National Patient Safety Agency, 2009) |
12,15 |
Infection control/cleanliness |
Wipe it out (Royal College of Nursing) |
12,15 |
Medicines |
Medicines management (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) |
12 |
Medicines |
Standards for medicines management (Nursing and Midwifery Council) |
12 |
Mental capacity |
Mental Capacity Act 2005 code of practice |
9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,20 |
Mental capacity |
Mental Capacity Act resources (Social Care Institute for Excellence) |
9, 10,11,17 |
Mental health |
Code of practice: Mental Health Act 1983 (Department of Health) |
10,13, 17 |
Moving and handling |
Hoisting (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,17 |
Moving and handling |
How the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER / PUWER) apply to health and social care |
12,15,17 |
Moving and handling |
Moving and handling in health and social care (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,15,17 |
Nutrition and hydration |
Diet, nutrition and obesity (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) |
14 |
Nutrition and hydration |
Nutrition and hydration (Royal College of Nursing) |
14 |
Personalised care |
Dementia – person-centred care planning (Royal College of Nursing) |
9 |
Personalised care |
Dementia: NICE quality standard 1 (National Institute for Care Excellence, 2010) |
9 |
Personalised care |
Guidance on supporting people with dementia (Royal College of Nursing) |
9 |
Personalised care |
Supporting people to live well with dementia: NICE quality standard 30 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, April 2013) |
9 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Changes to registration (Care Quality Commission) |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Charity Commission guidance |
5 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Into practice guide (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) |
17 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance |
all |
Quality monitoring/governance |
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library |
all |
Quality monitoring/governance |
NHS England Accessible Information |
16,17 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Notifications for non-NHS providers (Care Quality Commission) |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Prevention of future death reports (previously Rule 43 reports) by the Chief Coroner |
17 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Professional Standards Authority |
17,18,19,20 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Professional Standards Authority – standards November 2013 |
5 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) resources (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) |
17 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Registration (Care Quality Commission) |
Records |
Records management: NHS code of practice (Department of Health,2006) |
17 |
Restrictive practice/restraint |
Positive and proactive care: reducing the need for restrictive interventions (Department of Health) |
13 |
Risk assessment |
Managing risk from hot water and surfaces in health and social care (Health and Safety Executive) |
12 |
Risk assessment |
Risk assessment (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,13,15 |
Risk assessment |
Sensible risk assessment in care settings (Health and Safety Executive) |
12,13,15 |
Safeguarding |
Clinical governance and adult safeguarding (Department of Health) |
13 |
Safeguarding |
What to do if you're worried a child is being abused (HM Government) |
13 |
Safeguarding |
When to suspect child maltreatment - NICE guideline CG89 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, June 2009) |
13 |
Safeguarding |
Working together to safeguard children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (Department for Education) |
13 |
Safety |
Cryptic clue or familiar sign |
12 |
Safety |
Safety alerts published by NHS England |
12 |
Safety |
Safety warnings, alerts and recalls published by the MHRA |
12 |
Slips, trips and falls |
Falls from windows or balconies in health and social care (Health and Safety Executive) |
12 |
Slips, trips and falls |
Slips and trips in health and social care (Health and Safety Executive) |
12 |
Staff support and training |
Management standards (Health and Safety Executive) |
18 |
Staff support and training |
Resuscitation Guidelines 2010 (Resuscitation Council UK) |
12,17 |
Staff support and training |
Review of healthcare assistants and support workers in NHS and social care (The Cavendish Review - Department of Health, July 2013) |
18 |
Staff support and training |
Work related stress (Health and Safety Executive) |
18 |
Staffing and recruitment |
Fit for work: Health and work service assessment (HM Government) |
18 |
Staffing and recruitment |
Values based recruitment (Skills for Care) |
18,19 |
Waste management |
Safe management of healthcare waste - version 2.0, 2nd edition (Department of Health,2012 ) |
12 |
Water systems (including legionella) |
Hot and cold water supply, storage and distribution systems for healthcare premises (Department of Health) |
12 |
Whistleblowing |
Raising a concern with CQC: A quick guide for health and care staff about whistleblowing (Care Quality Commission) |
12,13 |
Whistleblowing |
Raising concerns at work: whistleblowing guidance for workers and employers in health and social care |
12,13 |
Whistleblowing |
Whistleblowing: Guidance for providers who are registered with the Care Quality Commission (Care Quality Commission, November 2013) |
12,13 |