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Buildings/premises and equipment Central alerting system 12 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment DH health building notes (Department of Health) 12,15,17 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment Electrical safety and you (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,17 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment Electrical safety at work (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,17 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment Gas safety toolbox (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,17 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment Health Building Note 00-10 Part D: Windows and associated hardware (Department of Health) 12 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment Lighting at work (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,17 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment Medical devices regulation and safety 12,15 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment PAT - Portable appliance testing FAQs (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,17 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment Pressure systems (Health and Safety Executive) 15 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment Provision and use of work equipment regulations (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment Safe premises (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,17 external link 16
Caldicott Caldicott principles 10,12 external link 16
Caldicott Caldicott principles - revised principles 2013 10,12 external link 16
Caldicott Caldicott review: information governance in the health and care system 10,12 external link 16
Care Act and Care Certificate Care Act 2014 (Social Care Institute for Excellence) all external link 16
Care Act and Care Certificate Care Act 2014 part 1: factsheets (Department of Health, June 2014) all external link 16
Care Act and Care Certificate Care and support statutory guidance, issued under the Care Act 2014 (Department of Health, October 2014) all external link 16
Care Act and Care Certificate Care certificate (Health Education England) 18,19 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Common core principles for self-care (Skills for Care) 12 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Compassion in practice nursing, midwifery and care staff: Our vision and strategy 10 external link 16
Care, treatment and support NHS choice framework 2014/15 9 external link 16
Challenging behaviour A core principles commissioning tool for the development of local specifications for services supporting children, young people, adults and older people with learning disabilities and/or autism who display or are at risk of displaying behaviour that challenges (NHS England and Local Government Association, 2014) 13 external link 16
Challenging behaviour Services for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour or mental health needs – Mansell report: revised edition (Department of Health) 13 external link 16
Complaints Complaints in the NHS (Department of Health guidance) 16 external link 16
Complaints Complaints matter (Care Quality Commission, December 2014) 16 external link 16
Complaints MIND – complaining about health and social care 16 external link 16
Complaints My expectations for raising concerns and complaints (Local Government Ombudsman, Healthwatch, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, November 2014) 16 external link 16
Complaints Principles of good complaint handling (Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman) 16 external link 16
Conduct, ethics and performance Nursing standards for competence (Nursing and Midwifery Council) 17,18,19,20 external link 16
Conduct, ethics and performance Standards of conduct, performance and ethics (Health and Care Professions Council) 5,18 external link 16
Conduct, ethics and performance The code – Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives (Nursing and Midwifery Council) 11,17,18,19,20 external link 16
Conduct, ethics and performance The prep handbook (Nursing and Midwifery Council) 17,18,19,20 external link 16
Conduct, ethics and performance The seven principals of public life (Committee on standards for public life) 5 external link 16
Confidentiality A guide to confidentiality in health and social care (Health and Social Care Information Centre, 2013) 17 external link 16
Consent Consent guidance: patients and doctors making decisions together (General Medical Council) 11 external link 16
Consent Gillick competence or Fraser guidelines 11,20 external link 16
Continence Faecal incontinence – Quality standard 54 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, February 2014) 9,10 external link 16
Continence Improving continence care for patients (Royal College of Nursing) 9,10 external link 16
Continuing professional development Professional development (Royal College of Nursing) 18 external link 16
Continuing professional development Standards for continuing professional development (Health and Care Professions Council) 17,18,19 external link 16
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) (Health and Safety Executive) 15,17 external link 16
COSHH The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002: Approved code of practice and guidance (Health and Safety Executive) 15,17 external link 16
Data protection Data Protection Act 1998: guidance 10,12,16,17 external link 16
Data protection ICO guidance on data protection (Information Commissioner's Office) 10,12,16,17 external link 16
Data protection ICO In the picture: A data protection code of practice for surveillance cameras and personal information (Information Commissioner's Office) 15,11,17 external link 16
Data protection Information governance and Caldicott principles (Department of Health) 12,17 external link 16
Data protection Information sharing: Guidance for practitioners and managers – departmental advice for professionals on when and how to share information about children, young people and families (HM Government) 10,12,13 external link 16
Dignity and respect Dignity in Care – SCIE guide 15 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, June 2010 (updated May 2013)) 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16 external link 16
Dignity and respect Eliminating Mixed sex accommodation – Declaration Exercise - Letter to Chief Executives (Department of Health, 10 February 2011) 10,15 external link 16
Dignity and respect Eliminating mixed sex accommodation - PL/CNO/2009/02 (Chief Nursing Officer’s Letter, 17 May 2009) 10,15 external link 16
Dignity and respect Eliminating mixed sex accommodation - PL/CNO/2010/3 (letter from Chief Nursing Officer and Deputy Chief Executive, November 2010) 10,15 external link 16
Disclosure and Barring (DBS) Disclosure and Barring 5,18,19 external link 16
Disclosure and Barring (DBS) Disclosure and Barring identity checking guidelines 5,18,19 external link 16
Disclosure and Barring (DBS) Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks guidance (Care Quality Commission) 5,18,19 external link 16
End of life care Dying well at home: the case for integrated working – SCIE guide 48 – PDF – (Social Care Institute for Excellence, May 2013) 9,10,11 external link 16
End of life care Dying well at home: the case for integrated working – SCIE guide 48 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, May 2013) 9,10,11 external link 16
End of life care End of life care guidance (General Medical Council) 9,10,11 external link 16
End of life care Five priorities for care of the dying person (NHS England) 9,10,11 external link 16
End of life care One chance to get it right: improving people's experience of care in the last days and hours of life (Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People)   external link 16
End of life care Priorities for care of the dying person: Duties and responsibilities of health and care staff – with prompts for practice (Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People)   external link 16
End of life care Quality standard for end of life care for adults (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 9,10,11 external link 16
Equality and human rights EHRC employment statutory code of practice - sections on reasonable adjustments and pre-employment health checks (Equality and Human Rights Commission) 5,17,18,19 external link 16
Equality and human rights Employment statutory code of practice (Equality and Human Rights Commission) 5,17,18,19 external link 16
Equality and human rights Equality Act 2010 guidance 5,9,10,13,15,17,18,19 external link 16
Equality and human rights Guidance about age discrimination (Equality and Human Rights Commission) 5,17,18,19 external link 16
Equality and human rights Guidance for service providers about their duties under the Equality Act 2010 (Equality and Human Rights Commission) 5,9,10,13,15,17,18,19 external link 16
Equality and human rights Services, public functions and associations: Statutory code of practice (Equality and Human Rights Commission) 5,9,10,13,15,17,18,19 external link 16
Fees Unfair contract terms 19 external link 16
Fire safety Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (London Fire Brigade) 15 external link 16
Fire safety Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005: a short guide to making your premises safe from fire (HM Government) 15 external link 16
Food safety/hygiene Essence of Care 2010: Benchmarks for food and drink (Department of Health) 14 external link 16
General resource Health and Care Professions Council 5,18 external link 16
General resource National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 9,10,12,13,14,17 external link 16
General resource NHS Constitution for England 2013 10,11,15,16,17 external link 16
General resource The handbook to the NHS constitution - quality of care and environment pledge, pp 30/31 (Department of Health, 2012) 10,11,15,16,17 external link 16
Health and safety Consulting employees on health and safety: A brief guide to the law (Health and Safety Executive) 18 external link 16
Health and safety Guidance for health and social care services (Health and Safety Executive) 12, 15, 17,18 external link 16
Health and safety Health and Safety Executive guidance 12, 15, 18 external link 16
Health and safety Health and safety in care homes (Health and Safety Executive, June 2014) 12, 15, 17,18 external link 16
Health and safety Leadership (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,18 external link 16
Health and safety Leading health and safety at work (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,18 external link 16
Health and safety Managing for health and safety - HSG65 guidance (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,18 external link 16
Health and safety Managing for health and safety (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,18 external link 16
Health and safety Natural rubber latex sensitisation in health and social care (Health and Safety Executive) 12,17,18 external link 16
Health and safety NHS Employers: Workplace health and safety standards 12,15,17,18 external link 16
Health and safety Selection latex gloves (Health and Safety Executive) 12,17,18 external link 16
Health and safety Sharp Instruments in Healthcare Regulations 2013 (Health and Safety Executive) 12,17,18 external link 16
Health and safety Sharps injuries (Health and Safety Executive) 12,17,18 external link 16
Health and safety Ventilation (Health and Safety Executive) 15 external link 16
Health and safety Violence at work: guidance for employers (Health and Safety Executive) 18 external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness Decontamination guidelines (British Society of Gastroenterology) 12,15 external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness Health building note 00-09: Infection control in the built environment (Department of Health, 2013) 12,15 external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness Infection: Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections in primary and community care - NICE guideline CG139 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, March 2012) 12,15 external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness NICE Quality Standard 61: Infection prevention and control (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, April 2014) 12,15 external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness The code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance (Department of Health) 12,15 external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness The Health and Social Care Act 2008: Code of practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance (Department of Health) 12,15 external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness The revised healthcare cleaning manual (National Patient Safety Agency, 2009) 12,15 external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness Wipe it out (Royal College of Nursing) 12,15 external link 16
Medicines Medicines management (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 12 external link 16
Medicines Standards for medicines management (Nursing and Midwifery Council) 12 external link 16
Mental capacity Mental Capacity Act 2005 code of practice 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,20 external link 16
Mental capacity Mental Capacity Act resources (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 9, 10,11,17 external link 16
Mental health Code of practice: Mental Health Act 1983 (Department of Health) 10,13, 17 external link 16
Moving and handling Hoisting (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,17 external link 16
Moving and handling How the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER / PUWER) apply to health and social care 12,15,17 external link 16
Moving and handling Moving and handling in health and social care (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,17 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration Diet, nutrition and obesity (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 14 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration Nutrition and hydration (Royal College of Nursing) 14 external link 16
Personalised care Dementia – person-centred care planning (Royal College of Nursing) 9 external link 16
Personalised care Dementia: NICE quality standard 1 (National Institute for Care Excellence, 2010) 9 external link 16
Personalised care Guidance on supporting people with dementia (Royal College of Nursing) 9 external link 16
Personalised care Supporting people to live well with dementia: NICE quality standard 30 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, April 2013) 9 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Changes to registration (Care Quality Commission)   external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Charity Commission guidance 5 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Into practice guide (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 17 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance all external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) quality standards topic library all external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance NHS England Accessible Information 16,17 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Notifications for non-NHS providers (Care Quality Commission)   external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Prevention of future death reports (previously Rule 43 reports) by the Chief Coroner 17 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Professional Standards Authority 17,18,19,20 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Professional Standards Authority – standards November 2013 5 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) resources (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 17 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Registration (Care Quality Commission)   external link 16
Records Records management: NHS code of practice (Department of Health,2006) 17 external link 16
Restrictive practice/restraint Positive and proactive care: reducing the need for restrictive interventions (Department of Health) 13 external link 16
Risk assessment Managing risk from hot water and surfaces in health and social care (Health and Safety Executive) 12 external link 16
Risk assessment Risk assessment (Health and Safety Executive) 12,13,15 external link 16
Risk assessment Sensible risk assessment in care settings (Health and Safety Executive) 12,13,15 external link 16
Safeguarding Clinical governance and adult safeguarding (Department of Health) 13 external link 16
Safeguarding What to do if you're worried a child is being abused (HM Government) 13 external link 16
Safeguarding When to suspect child maltreatment - NICE guideline CG89 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, June 2009) 13 external link 16
Safeguarding Working together to safeguard children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (Department for Education) 13 external link 16
Safety Cryptic clue or familiar sign 12 external link 16
Safety Safety alerts published by NHS England 12 external link 16
Safety Safety warnings, alerts and recalls published by the MHRA 12 external link 16
Slips, trips and falls Falls from windows or balconies in health and social care (Health and Safety Executive) 12 external link 16
Slips, trips and falls Slips and trips in health and social care (Health and Safety Executive) 12 external link 16
Staff support and training Management standards (Health and Safety Executive) 18 external link 16
Staff support and training Resuscitation Guidelines 2010 (Resuscitation Council UK) 12,17 external link 16
Staff support and training Review of healthcare assistants and support workers in NHS and social care (The Cavendish Review - Department of Health, July 2013) 18 external link 16
Staff support and training Work related stress (Health and Safety Executive) 18 external link 16
Staffing and recruitment Fit for work: Health and work service assessment (HM Government) 18 external link 16
Staffing and recruitment Values based recruitment (Skills for Care) 18,19 external link 16
Waste management Safe management of healthcare waste - version 2.0, 2nd edition (Department of Health,2012 ) 12 external link 16
Water systems (including legionella) Hot and cold water supply, storage and distribution systems for healthcare premises (Department of Health) 12 external link 16
Whistleblowing Raising a concern with CQC: A quick guide for health and care staff about whistleblowing (Care Quality Commission) 12,13 external link 16
Whistleblowing Raising concerns at work: whistleblowing guidance for workers and employers in health and social care 12,13 external link 16
Whistleblowing Whistleblowing: Guidance for providers who are registered with the Care Quality Commission (Care Quality Commission, November 2013) 12,13 external link 16