HSCA Regulation |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
A risk based methodology for establishing and managing backlog maintenance (Department of Health, 2004) |
15 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Health technical memoranda series - including Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (HTM 00) (Department of Health, 2014) |
12,15,17 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Health technical memoranda series (Department of Health) |
12,15,17 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Medical gases pipeline systems - Health technical memorandum 02-01 (Department of Health) |
15 |
Buildings/premises and equipment |
Policies and principles of healthcare engineering (HTM 00) (Department of Health, 2014) |
12,15,17 |
Challenging behaviour |
Violence: The short-term management of disturbed/violent behaviour in in-patient psychiatric settings and emergency departments (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) |
13 |
Conduct, ethics and performance |
Standards of conduct, ethics and performance (General Pharmaceutical Council) |
5,18 |
Continence |
Lower urinary tract symptoms: The management of lower urinary tract symptoms in men – NICE clinical guideline 97 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, May 2010) |
9,10 |
Continence |
Urinary incontinence: The management of urinary incontinence in women – NICE clinical guideline 171 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, September 2013) |
9,10 |
Deprivation of liberty |
Mental Capacity Act 2005 Deprivation of liberty safeguards: Code of practice to supplement the main Mental Capacity Act 2005 code of practice |
13,17 |
Deprivation of liberty |
Note on deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) judgements of the supreme court (Department of Health, April 2014) |
11,12,13 |
Dignity and respect |
Dignity in Care resources (Social Care Institute for Excellence) |
10 |
Equality and human rights |
A refreshed equality delivery system for the NHS (NHS England, 2013) |
17 |
Infection control/cleanliness |
Codes of practice (The Human Tissue Authority) |
11,17 |
Infection control/cleanliness |
Prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections: Quality improvement guide |
12,15 |
Medicines |
Protocol for ordering, storing and handling vaccines |
12 |
Nutrition and hydration |
Water for health - hydration best practice toolkit for hospitals and healthcare (Royal College of Nursing) |
14 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
NHS BSA Security of Prescription Form Guidance |
12 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
NHS patient survey reports |
17 |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Notifications for NHS trusts (Care Quality Commission) |
Quality monitoring/governance |
Patient group directions - guideline MPG2 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, August 2013) |
12 |
Records |
Standards for the structure and content of patient records (Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and HSCIC, 2013) |
17 |
Safeguarding |
Safeguarding children and young people: roles and competences for health care staff (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health) |
13 |
Staffing and recruitment |
Revalidation (General Medical Council) |
18 |
Water systems (including legionella) |
Control of legionella in hot and cold water systems in care services / settings using temperature (Health and Safety Executive) |
12 |
Water systems (including legionella) |
Legionnaires' disease: the control of legionella bacteria in water systems (Health and Safety Executive) |
12 |
Water systems (including legionella) |
Management of Pseudomonas - addendum to HTM 04-01 (Department of Health) |
12 |