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Acute services (ACS)

Buildings/premises and equipment Domestic gas health and safety (Health and Safety Executive) 12,15,17 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment DSDC Good practice guidelines on lighting (Stirling Dementia Service Development Centre) 12,15,17 external link 16
Buildings/premises and equipment Stirling Dementia Service Development Centre (DSDC) 12,15,17 external link 16
Care Act and Care Certificate Care certificate (Skills for Care) 18,19 external link 16
Care, treatment and support A Better Life for older people with high support needs: At a glance summary 65 (Social Care Insitute for Excellence, May 2014) 9 external link 16
Care, treatment and support A Better Life for older people with high support needs: the role of social care (May 2014, Social Care Institute for Excellence) 9 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Adult social care outcomes framework 2015/16 (Department of Health) 9,17 external link 16
Care, treatment and support GP services for older people: a guide for care home managers – SCIE guide 52 – PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, December 2013) 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 external link 16
Care, treatment and support GP services for older people: a guide for care home managers – SCIE guide 52 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, December 2013) 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Life Story Network resources 9,10 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Living well through activity in care homes: the toolkit (College of Occupational Therapists) 9,10 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Making the move to delivering reablement: At a glance summary 56 – PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, March 2012) 9,10,18 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Making the move to delivering reablement: At a glance summary 56 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, March 2012) 9,10,18 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Maximising the potential of reablement – SCIE guide 49 – PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, March 2013) 9,10,18 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Maximising the potential of reablement – SCIE guide 49 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, March 2013) 9,10,18 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Preventing loneliness and social isolation among older people: At a glance summary 60 – PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, May 2012) 9,10 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Preventing loneliness and social isolation among older people: At a glance summary 60 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, May 2012) 9,10 external link 16
Challenging behaviour People whose behaviour challenges (Skills for Care) 13 external link 16
Complaints Complaints guides (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 16 external link 16
Complaints Complaints resources for adult social care (Local Government Ombudsmen) 16 external link 16
Complaints Ombudsman decisions: adult social care services (Local Government Ombudsman) 16,17 external link 16
Complaints Review of adult social care complaints 2013 (Local Government Ombudsmen, May 2014) 16 external link 16
Dignity and respect Common core principles for dignity guide (Skills for Care) 10 external link 16
Dignity and respect Dignity in Care Network resources 10 external link 16
End of life care End of life care resources (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 9,10,11 external link 16
Fees Unfair terms in care homes contracts 19 external link 16
Fire safety Fire safety risk assessment: Residential care premises 15 external link 16
Food safety/hygiene Safer food better business for residential care (Food Standards Agency) 14 external link 16
General resource NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) all external link 16
General resource SCIE at-a-glance summaries (Social Care Institute for Excellence) all external link 16
General resource SCIE guides (Social Care Institute for Excellence) all external link 16
General resource SCIE publications (Social Care Institute for Excellence) all external link 16
General resource Social Care TV (requires registration) all external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness Infection prevention and control in care homes: Information resource (Department Head) 12,15 external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness National specifications for cleanliness: care homes (National Patient Safety Agency) 12,15 external link 16
Medicines Handling of medicines in social care (Royal Pharmaceutical Society) 12 external link 16
Medicines Managing medicines in care homes (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 9,12 external link 16
Medicines Managing medicines in care homes: checklist for care home (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 9,12 external link 16
Mental health Common core principles for mental health and wellbeing in adult social care (Skills for Care) 9,10 external link 16
Mental health Mental wellbeing of older people in care homes - Quality Standard 50 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, December 2013) 9,10 external link 16
Mental health Mental wellbeing of older people in care homes: Using quality standards to improve practice in care homes for older people (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 9,10 external link 16
Mental health New video to support mental wellbeing of older people in care homes quality standard (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 9,10 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration Guidance on food served to older people in residential care (Food Standards Agency) 14 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration Nutritional care and older people (Social Care Institute for Excellence, March 2009) 14 external link 16
Personalised care Guidance on personalisation (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 9,10,11,12,13,14 external link 16
Personalised care Guidance on personalisation (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications for advocacy workers - SCIE at a glance summary 12 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, August 2009) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications for advocacy workers - SCIE at a glance summary 12 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, August 2009) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications for home care providers - SCIE at a glance summary 7 - PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, June 2009) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications for home care providers - SCIE at a glance summary 7 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, June 2009) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people - SCIE at a glance summary 42 - PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, April 2011) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people - SCIE at a glance summary 42 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, April 2011) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications for nursing homes - SCIE at a glance summary 20 - PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, January 2010) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications for nursing homes - SCIE at a glance summary 20 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, January 2010) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications for residential care homes - SCIE at a glance summary 17 - PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, November 2009) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications for residential care homes - SCIE at a glance summary 17 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, November 2009) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications of the Equality Act 2010 - SCIE at a glance summary 41 - PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, April 2011) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Personalisation briefing: Implications of the Equality Act 2010 - SCIE at a glance summary 41 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, April 2011) 9,10 external link 16
Personalised care Think Local Act Personal Partnership guidance on personalisation 9,10 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Recommendations for CQC providers guide (Skills for Care) 18,19 external link 16
Restrictive practice/restraint Managing risk, minimising restraint - SCIE at a glance summary 16 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, October 2009) 9,10,11,12,18 external link 16
Restrictive practice/restraint Managing risk, minimising restraint - SCIE at a glance summary 16 -PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, October 2009) 9,10,11,12,18 external link 16
Restrictive practice/restraint Restrictive practices (Skills for Care) 13 external link 16
Safeguarding Adult safeguarding: Resources (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 13 external link 16
Safeguarding Commissioning care homes: common safeguarding challenges - SCIE guide 46 - PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, February 2012) 9,10,12,13,14 external link 16
Safeguarding Commissioning care homes: common safeguarding challenges - SCIE guide 46 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, February 2012) 9,10,12,13,14 external link 16
Safeguarding Safeguarding adults: A national framework of standards for good practice and outcomes in adult protection work (Association of Directors of Adult Social Services) 13 external link 16
Safeguarding Safeguarding children and adults (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 13 external link 16
Staff support and training Developing skills and services resources (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 17 external link 16
Staff support and training Effective supervision in a variety of settings - SCIE guide 50 - PDF (Social Care Institute for Excellence, May 2013) 9,17,18 external link 16
Staff support and training Effective supervision in a variety of settings - SCIE guide 50 (Social Care Institute for Excellence, May 2013) 9,17,18 external link 16
Staff support and training Manager induction standards (Skills for Care) 18 external link 16
Staff support and training National Minimum Data Set for Social Care (NMDS-SC) (Skills for Care) 17,18 external link 16
Staff support and training National Skills Academy for Social Care 18,19 external link 16
Staff support and training NMDS-SC dashboards (Skills for Care) 17 external link 16
Staff support and training Skills for Care 18 external link 16
Staff support and training Social care commitment (Skills for Care) 10,18 external link 16
Staff support and training The social care commitment 10,18 external link 16
Staff support and training The social care manager's handbook (National Skills Academy for Social Care) 18,19 external link 16
Staffing and recruitment People management resources (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 15,18,19 external link 16
Staffing and recruitment Workforce planning (Skills for Care) 18 external link 16
Whistleblowing Whistleblowing guides (Social Care Institute for Excellence) 12,13 external link 16