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Acute & Mental Health

Abortion/termination of pregnancy Guidance in relation to requirements of the Abortion Act 1967 (Department of Health, May 2014) 12 external link 16
Abortion/termination of pregnancy Procedures for the approval of independent sector places for the termination of pregnancy: Required Standard Operating Procedures (RSOPs) (Department of Health, May 2014) 12 external link 16
Abortion/termination of pregnancy Termination of pregnancy: An RCN nursing framework (Royal College of Nursing) 12 external link 16
Abortion/termination of pregnancy The care of women seeking induced abortion (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 2011) 12 external link 16
Care, treatment and support NICE interventional procedures guidance (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 11 external link 16
Care, treatment and support Pressure ulcers: prevention and management of pressure ulcers (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 12 external link 16
Care, treatment and support The management of pressure ulcers in primary and secondary care: A clinical practice guideline (Royal College of Nursing, 2005) 12 external link 16
Challenging behaviour Meeting needs and reducing distress: guidance on the prevention and management of clinically related challenging behaviour in NHS settings (NHS Protect, 2013) 13 external link 16
Complaints Good practice standards for NHS complaints handling (Patients Association, September 2013) 16 external link 16
Complaints Independent sector complaints adjudication service 16 external link 16
Conduct, ethics and performance Midwives rules and standards 2012 (Nursing and Midwifery Council) 17,18,19,20 external link 16
Confidentiality Confidentiality: NHS code of practice (Department of Health, 2003) 17 external link 16
Consent Using surveillance: information for service providers 11 external link 16
Consent Reference guide to consent for examination or treatment – second edition (Department of Health, August 2009) 11 external link 16
Consent Seeking consent: working with children (Department of Health, 2001) 11 external link 16
Duty of candour NHS Standard Contract 2014/15: Updated Technical Guidance (Appendix 5: Contractual requirements relating to Duty of Candour) 20 external link 16
Food safety/hygiene Alerts, product withdrawals and recalls (Food Standards Agency) 14 external link 16
Food safety/hygiene General food law (Food Standards Agency) 14 external link 16
Food safety/hygiene Healthier and more sustainable catering: a toolkit for serving food to adults (Public Health England, February 2014) 14 external link 16
Food safety/hygiene Hygiene and food safety guidance (Food Standards Agency) 14 external link 16
Food safety/hygiene The Food Safety Act 1990 – A guide for food businesses (Food Standards Agency) 14 external link 16
Food safety/hygiene The Government buying standard for food and catering services 14 external link 16
Infection control/cleanliness PAS 5748:2014 Specification for the planning, application, measurement and review of cleanliness services in hospitals 15 external link 16
Medicines Professional standards for hospital pharmacy services: Optimising patient outcomes from medicines (Royal Pharmaceutical Society) 12 external link 16
Medicines Technical patient safety solutions for medicines reconciliation on admission of adults to hospital - NICE Guidance PSG001 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, December 2007) 12 external link 16
Mental health Provision of mental health care for adults who have a learning disability (Royal College of Nursing) 9,10,11,12,13 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration 10 key characteristics – food quality guidance (Council of Europe) 14 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration BAPEN: Malnutrition universal screening tool 14 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) explanatory booklet 14 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration Nutrition for specific groups (Royal College of Nursing) 14 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration Nutrition support in adults (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 14 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration Patient-led assessments of the care environment (PLACE): Organisational questions (NHS England) 14 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration The Hospital Food Standards Panel's report on standards for food and drink in hospitals (Department of Health) 14 external link 16
Nutrition and hydration The nutrition and hydration digest: Improving outcomes through food and beverage services (British Dietetic Association) 14 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Being open framework - guidance on communicating about patient safety incidents with patients, families and carers (NHS National Patient Safety Agency) 12,17,20 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Definitions of levels of harm included in: National Patient Safety Agency, Seven Steps to Patient Safety 12,17,20 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance National NHS staff survey reports 17 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Never events list (update 2013/14) 17 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance NHS premises assurance model 15 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Patient experience in adult NHS services: improving the experience of care for people using adult NHS services (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 9,16 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Quality and service improvement tools: Pre-operative assessment and planning (NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement) 9,11,12 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Quality standard for nutrition support in adults - NICE quality standard 24 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, November 2012) 14 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Quality standard for patient experience in adult NHS services - NICE quality standard 15 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, February 2012) 9,10,16 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Saying sorry (NHS Litigation Authority) 20 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Service user experience in adult mental health - NICE quality standard 14 (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 9,10,16 external link 16
Quality monitoring/governance Service user experience in adult mental health: improving the experience of care for people using adult NHS mental health services 9,16 external link 16
Risk assessment Bed rail risk management - Sector information minute SIM 07/2012/06 (Health and Safety Executive) 12,13,15 external link 16
Risk assessment Safe use of bedrails device bulletin (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regualtory Agency) 12,13,15 external link 16
Safety Health care professionals Alerts Notices Directions 2006 (Department of Health) 17,19,20 external link 16
Slips, trips and falls Falls: assessment and prevention of falls in older people (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 12 external link 16
Staffing and recruitment Guideline on safe staffing for nursing in adult inpatient wards in acute hospitals 18 external link 16
Staffing and recruitment How to ensure the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time (National Quality Board) 18 external link 16
Staffing and recruitment Mandatory nurse staffing levels (Royal College of Nurses) 18 external link 16
Staffing and recruitment NHS employment checks standard 17,18,19,20 external link 16
Staffing and recruitment NICE safe staffing guidelines (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) 18 external link 16
Staffing and recruitment Uniforms and workwear: guidance on uniforms and workwear for NHS employers (Department of Health) 12 external link 16