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My Care Diary

My Care Diary

​For Residential Care; Nursing Homes; Supported Living

Giving your residents a real say 

My Care Book infographic

A simple tool for feedback and personalised care with all the questions Key Workers should be asking on a daily basis for everyone in their care

Direct feedback by Residents Instead of asking residents how they feel, let them tell you in their own words

How many books do you need?

For Residents You need one book per resident, which will last for the whole year
For Family Feedback (Optional) You can get a second book, kept with the care plan, for family and stakeholder feedback

My Care Book family feedback book

Better Feedback leads to better care 

  • Risk based assessment
  • Record of daily engagement
  • Monthly review by resident
  • Suggestions for improvement
  • Proven interaction with residents
 Focused Key Workers
  • Ready made "involvement script" for Keyworkers
  • Topics to discussion
  • Evidence of Service User involvement in care
  • Evidence of stakeholder engagement
  • Structured approach to engagement

Effortless Compliance and Quality Assurance
  • Simplicity of design
  • Suitable for fully able persons and those with learning difficulties, or dementia
  • Easier for older persons who prefer to write instead of "high tech" devices
  • Involve and engage residents every day with a formal record of feedback that is also user friendly