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Daily Safety & Hazard Reviews

Only use a professional if you need a specialised risk assessment. A daily check by staff is more relevant, cost effective, engages staff and promotes self-responsibility.

Hazards and Risks

Hazard Vs Risk Review
Actual Vs Potential harm
Who’s responsible
External contractors Vs In-house
Workplace Risk Assessments and Hazard Reviews
Employer's liability claims

Best Practice with Safety & Hazards

Daily Safety Reviews
Explaining Risk Reviews to staff
Gamify Hazard Reviews
Check Your Insurance
Effect of COVID on Insurance

Instant Solution: Risk Assessment


Go to My Toolkts and look for these under Evidence Toolkits (Section 6 - Safety)

  • 6 Hazard Management
  • 6 Hazard Reviews

These Toolkits help identify Hazards and Risk Assess your findings

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Daily Safety made simple

Our products Room safety toolkit

COVID Risk Mitigation Toolkit

COVID Risk Mitigation toolkit