Single Assessment Framework - Everything you should know
In a nutshell |
Expert in a single day:
- If you are already familiar with the old system, all you need to read are the actual Quality Statements pages.
- Ignore the Regulations and Best Practice as you will already be familiar with this
- Ignore the scoring system, this is for the inspectors to rate their findings, you have no control over this until an actual inspection/assessment
Key takeaways for the Single Assessment Framework
2 to 5 year transition period
- SAF is being introduced in a phased approach, with partial audits for up to 5 years
- Full transition from old KLOE reports to Full SAF audits is likely to take 5 years or more
Don’t waste time on learning the scoring system
- Subjective – hard to anticipate
- Hybrid system, inspector can add new checks
- Under review by Government – might change yet again
There are 15 Frameworks
- 15 Sectors each with a custom framework
- Cannot compare providers in the same sector OR between sectors
- The scoring system will mean very little to providers
One rule for inspectors another for Providers
- Inspector can do a partial inspection ranging from 1% to 100% of the evidence categories
- BUT you still have to prepare for 100% of the 204 categories just in case
Same same but different
- KLOEs : Hundreds of measuring points, impossible to check in a short 1-2 day inspection, so every inspector had their own mini-checklist
- Single Assessment Framework: Same potential problem, different list
The scoring system is for Inspectors