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  • Your current rating
  • Any ongoing or planned enquiries, investigations or inspections by the CQC
  • Any active Statutory Notifications (safeguarding, whistleblowing, incident reports)
  • Whether you have a registered manager
  • Feedback from Service Users, their family and friends
  • Any national data sources where available
  • Any other contextual information (Internet, or local sources or stakeholders)

For General Practice (GPs) national data sources mean clinical performance indicators, which are used and publish as “evidence tables” in inspection reports.

People’s experience of care

Service User feedback that will be reviewed will include:-

  • Responses to CQC’s online feedback
  • Enquiries to CQC
  • Other feedback from agencies such as Healthwatch or local authorities

If the CQC don’t have latest information, they will ask for anything you have collected from Service Users or Patient or User Groups and ask their Experts by Experience appointees to contact people or local groups.