Policies library not a tool

Don't spend too much time on perfecting hundreds of policies. it is more important to focus on whether staff understand and actually apply the priciples they have learnt.

How Important are Policies

About Policies

Regulations hardly change
CQC says they're not that interested
British Medical Association says don't bother with large numbers
Does the CQC have a checklist of Polices
You don't need to customise Policies, CQC confirms
Does the CQC have guidance on Policies to pass an inspection
How many policies do you need
What suppliers won't tell you about costs
Common Pitfalls with Policies

Best Practice

Best Practice with Policies

3 Stages to complacency
Simplify your policies
Make your policies more efficient
What NOT to do
Getting Started with Policies
How often should I update policies


Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

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