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Once you have got the policies and procedures in place, and you are now ready to implement these and get things done.

Start by organising, scheduling and allocating routine tasks which need to be carried out daily/ weekly/ monthly/Annually.

Allocate the duties for each of the main areas, here are examples:-

  1. Daily safety checks rotating between staff where possible (this builds in redundancy and trains different members of staff at the same time)
  2. Daily infection control checks. Allocating checks for cleanliness to members of staff reinforces good practice and raises awareness.
  3. Daily security checks.

Rotating duties between staff members reinforces important safety messages, and makes them more aware of the issues. This type of training ensures that if you are inspected, each member of staff is able to demonstrate intimate knowledge of the principles as opposed to having to regurgitate what they read in a handbook 6 months ago.