The first leg of CQC's inspections was to visit every provider, this is largely accomplished and virtually all providers have now been inspected at least once.

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Next Phase

  1. Routine re-inspections start all over again, and Providers will be expected to be better prepared.
  2. Focused or targeted visits where there are specific concerns

You will be on the radar if:-

  • Complaints are made against you
  • Whistleblowing by employees who are concerned about your standards
  • Whistleblowing by disgruntled ex-employees
  • Serious incidents that warrant attention
  • Entire Groups, Federations, Franchise operations: If your members expose systemic faults
  • Note: Changes in Registration details may reclassify you as a "new" uninspected location

 When was your last inspection?

 pass cqc inspection trends primary medical services  

Your next inspection will depend on the date of your last one.
2013 to 2015: A re-inspections is an almost certainty.
2016: Re-inspection cycle has started.
2017 and 2018: Poor clinical performance and smaller Providers puts you at risk

 pass cqc inspection trends social care organisations

Whistleblowing, incidents and complaints pose the highest risk in triggering an inspection.
Groups need common standards and quality management to avoid inspections escalating into a wider investigation.
Franchise operations face a particular level of risk.

 pass cqc inspection trends nhs healthcare organisations  

This is a high risk category due to the volume and nature of services, subject to higher scrutiny and almost 50% have already undergone multiple inspections.

Providers with only one inspection so far and poor clinical performers are at the highest risk of an inspection

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Less than 10% have had a second visit.

Providers inspected in 2015 and 2016 are prime targets for a re-inspection.

Whistleblowing, incidents and complaints pose the highest risk in triggering an inspection.