The CQC has informed Everything CQC that of the 7,607 of GP practices registered with the CQC some 20% (1,545) have declared non-compliance with at least one of the CQC’s 16 essential standards.

The CQC states that ‘the two biggest areas of declared non-compliance were around premises and infection control’.

At the time of Registration, providers were entitled to declare non-compliance with the regulations but were required to submit an action plan setting out how they planned to become compliant together with timescales.

Editor’s Comments:

1.    The 20% figure does not take into account potential misdeclarations at registration. Our audits indicate actual non-compliance to be as much as 40% or more because many practices declared full compliance at the time of registration in the hope of ‘catching up’ by April 2013.

2.    To avoid penalty notices or other serious consequences we strongly recommend that you put your ‘house in order’ in accordance with the action plan agreed with the CQC or the level declared at the time of registration.

3.    It was revealed last month that practices have spent an average of £2500 just to get through registration. This cost will increase if practices are still not compliant.

Outcome Number of primary care service providers that declared non-compliane with the outcome
Respecting and involving people who use services 291
Consent to care and treatment 211
Care and welfare of people who use services 258
Meeting nutritional needs 58
Cooperating with other providers 196
Safeguarding people who use services from abuse 523
Cleanliness and infection control 863
Management of medicines 142
Safety and suitability of premises 810
Safety, availability and suitability of equipment 237
Requirements relating to workers 269
Staffing 164
Supporting worker 217
Assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision 230
Complaints 77
Records 210
Total 1546

Source: CQC

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