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Regular Visual Inspections

Formal Visual Inspection
These should be carried out at set intervals by a competent person to look for any defects.

Hazards that can be identified through a visual inspection:

  • Enclosure damage
  • Damage to the mains flex
  • Signs of overheating
  • Incorrectly fitted mains plugs
  • Incorrect fuses (where visible)

Hazardous equipment should be removed from usage, or unplugged and warning signs attached if appropriate.
The findings of these checks should be recorded and kept as evidence and more importantly how this was fixed.
These requirements will vary according to the equipment being inspected and the environment in which it is used.







Useful Gadgets

Kewtech KEWCHECK103 Mains Wiring Socket Tester  Usual price range for this type of device - £9 to £25

An easy to use gadget for an instant check that a socket is safe to use.

There are many versions on the market, we have picked this particular one because:-

  • No electrical contact - just plug in
  • Safe and easy to use by any staff
  • Simple audible alarm, plug it in and listen for the tone
cqc toolkit log
Masterplug Single Socket RCD Safety Adaptor, 112 x 72.3 x 50.5 mm, Black  Usual price range for this type of device - £8 to £15

An RCD, or residual current device, is a life-saving device which is designed to prevent you from getting a fatal electric shock if you touch something live, such as a bare wire or faulty equipment.
It can also provide some protection against electrical fires. RCDs offer a level of personal protection that ordinary fuses and circuit-breakers cannot provide.

These are also widely availablefrom any hardware or DIY store

  • Easy to use - just plug it into a socket and then your appliance into the RCD
  • Useful for common use items such as Kettles; microwaves; fans
  • DO NOT USE on medical equipment or vaccine fridges
rcd protector amazon