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15 Sub-Frameworks

A comprehensive inspection would require 204 checks

The CQC has adopted a phased approach, with limited checks at the early stages, focused on priority evidence targets. Roughly 100 out of the total 204 evidence categories have been marked as “Key Evidence Categories”. Inspections will focus only on these priority items, but can be expanded during the inspection, if deemed necessary.

Providers were initially broken down into 9 distinct Sectors, now expanded to 15, with variations created for each, resulting in 15 “Single Assessment Sub-Frameworks” until that inspection transitions to a Full Inspection status.

A hybrid system is in place with the following characteristics:-

  1. 15 frameworks for partial inspections
  2. Each Sector has different Key Evidence Categories


  • Every sector is inspected differently
  • Cannot compare inter-sector ratings as each uses a different scoring criteria
  • Cannot always compare Providers in the same sector if categories have been added by inspector
  • Consistent comparable rating only achieved when all 204 checks applied equally to all providers

 Sub-Frameworks are tailored to each Sector
This table displays how the number of Key Evidence Categories vary for each Sector

SAF 15 Sectors

 Key Evidence Categories

For each sector, a set of Evidence Categories are prioritised as "Key Evidence Categories" which will be checked at the next inspection, the rest are not checked but can be added at the inspector's option.

The Key Evidence Categories are different for each Sector

SAF Key Evidence Category

Illustration of variation in Inspection for SAFE

GP Practices Vs Residential Care

 SAF SAFE GP practice
 SAF SAFE Residential care

 Variation in Inspections for Safeguarding

Key Evidence Categories vary for every Sector

 SAF Safeguarding evidence categories